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Silver Canyon Wool Hat Quality
care Hat

Silver Canyon Wool Hat Quality

By SilverCanyon Admin

We were recently asked: “Why are some of your wool hats lighter and thinner material than other hats priced the same”?  Love this question as...

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How to take care of you boots
Boot care

How to take care of you boots

By SilverCanyon Admin

Whether you wear your boots for only a few hours for all day and night, your boots will take care of you if you take...

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How to take care of your hat
care Hat

How to take care of your hat

By SilverCanyon Admin

Nothing speaks to your unique style like a hat.  Therefore, you should handle your hat with care and treat it well, so your hat lasts. General...

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Hat Etiquette
care Etiquette Hat

Hat Etiquette

By SilverCanyon Admin

Hat Etiquette Now that you’ve decided to wear a hat on a regular basis, you must also accept the responsibility of hat etiquette and manners:...

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